Monday, January 5, 2009

I was that lady

You know the lady you see in the grocery store who's lugging around two snotty-nosed kids who look like they need a nap; who herself is looking like she hasn't showered, or slept, in a week; the one who maybe, just maybe would sell her kids for a dollar to whomever asked; the one you tsk, tsk over and say, boy lady, you shoulda just stayed home today? Yeah, that lady was me today. I had showered and done my hair but due to some incessant whining by one child and screaming by another, got sidetracked and forgot to put on makeup (doesn't make me look fresh-faced - makes me look haggard!) and left the house anyway. The kids have colds and the constant wiping and drying makes their noses all crusty and since Trey screams like I'm chopping off his fingers when I clean his nose I usually just leave the crusties on his. Off we went to get some coffee (favorite part of my day!), my paycheck and then to the store. Abby didn't want to walk through the parking lot and it was raining so I was not about to sit her in a wet cart so I carried her and Trey all the way in. Not fun considering I had to park in the back 40 since social security checks came in the mail and every senior citizen in the county was shopping too. Neat. I found that once in the store the only way to get Trey to stop crying was to let him chew on my pretty new purse, worth the sacrifice. Abby wanted an apple so we looked at every single kind before she decided on the galas, I let her pick one. Then she saw someone with a red delicious and just had to have one too...whatever, at least she likes fruit. So she held her two apples (plus the two oranges she also just had to have) all through the store. She picked the stickers off but didn't take a bite, thank goodness for small favors. We finally checked out and by the time I reached the car (a 45 minutes hike, I'm sure) I remembered that I only went to the store to get stamps (and my bank is IN the store)...what did I not get???? The stamps. I told myself it was okay since I could just go to the post office on the way home...which I knew I totally wasn't going to do since I was sure the kids would fall asleep before we got there. Just thinking I'd stop made me feel like I'd made an effort though. Maybe I'll get them tomorrow.

Abby had been up since 6 am, but since she'd gone to bed at 7 the night before that was okay. What was NOT okay was the screaming/crying/fussing that occurred when she couldn't decide what she wanted to do for an hour while Mommy went back to sleep. She ended up in my bed sometime before 7 and we lasted until 7:15 when Trey woke up. I knew she needed a nap and was equally sure that she wouldn't take one so I made her a big lunch and stuck Tinkerbell in when we got home and she sat quietly for an hour. I made cookies, bribed her with those to sit quietly for another movie and then she played nicely until Jerry got home at 6. With no nap she was running on fumes and down for the night at 7 again....I have to be up at 6 for work tomorrow so I'm sure I'll be seeing her before I leave.

As for Trey, I just love that kid. He was tired from getting up so early (thank you Abby for screaming loud enough to wake him) so he went back to sleep at 9. He's teething and maybe growing (or just knows that his momma needs one undemanding child!) and is sleeping alot. I had to wake him at 11 so we could get going. He fell asleep in the car on the way back from the store and when we got home he ate and went upstairs for an almost 3 hour nap. After I put Abby to bed I fed him and he fell right to sleep again. He's totally my favorite.


Marlea said...

Oh I so remember those days! They will be over soon.....the screeming and crying over everything.....
Now its the arguing and attitude! Hang in there!

Tonya Doman said...

Been "that" lady several times--sucks!
Hope Abby slept better for you last night!

Amanda DeHoog said...

Almost peed my pants reading this! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

This has never happened to me. Never! Not only are my children perfect. I sometimes walk outta the house looking like I fell from a glamour magazine and landed in a pile of Crap! Ha! I'm glad you're blogging it's therapeutic. Not happy you didn't tell me you had a blog!