Monday, January 12, 2009

cutest little alarm clock

Every night I set the alarm so that I can get Jerry up in time to go spread the knowledge of physical fitness to tiny people. Why bother? As if there has been one day in the last month where I've been woken up by the alarm BEFORE being woken up by a two-legged, no snooze-button alarm. This morning was no exception. It was around 6:30 (woo-hoo, we're making progress!) when my hand hit a book over the side of the bed. I don't have short arms but in my sleepy mind I knew that they definitely weren't long enough to have reached the floor and hit the book that I dropped down there last I opened my eyes and found ABBY! She didn't say a word, just stood there with her blankie in one hand and her princess book in the other, which by the way has a handle on it so it can be carried around like a briefcase - very cute. I have no idea how long she was standing there and it was a little creepy, cute, but still creepy. Hmmm, maybe since I won't watch her sleep she decided to watch me sleep. Boy do I love that she sleeps with her door open.


Marlea said...

That is funny. Both my kids do that. So creepy.

Marlea said...

I tagged you on my blog...see my last post. HE He He good luck!