Friday, January 30, 2009

Another 1st!

Look at those pretty teeth! Abby had her first dentist appointment today and even though we have talked a lot about what would go on there I was still apprehensive about how she would act. But she did fabulous! She had a great time looking through all the books and magazines in the waiting room. She sat in every chair they had (we were the only people in there) and couldn't wait to go sit in the "special chair". She sat in the chair all by herself and let the hygienist clean her teeth, floss them and put on a sealant. Then the dentist came in and checked them all and he said her teeth looked great, no cavities! She has an odd number off teeth on the bottom so I assumed she was missing one but it turns out that she has an extra one...I knew she was special! Abby was most excited about getting prizes...a new toothbrush, floss, paste and a toy - she picked the bubbles, go figure! Since she didn't fuss or cry she also gets to pick out something special at the store. She told me that she wanted to get more Cinderella undies. And in a potty-training note, she wore undies to the dentist, not a pull-up, I was feeling brave but she stayed accident free!!! Way to go Abby!!!!!!

1 comment:

Marlea said...

awwww what a big girl! You gotta love all the firsts, even the bad ones...well not the bad ones. But the dentist first was a fun one! So much that happens there!
Good job on the potty training also!