Sunday, January 11, 2009

Apple Blueberry of my eye

It looks like we are finally on the eaten path (as opposed to off the beaten path, get it?). Friday was the first time Trey had eaten an entire container of, yum. Abby was definitely a better eater at this age. She liked everything that came near her mouth and was eating roughly 3 jars of food at this age. Trey on the other hand has been very difficult to get food into. He seems to like most things that he's tried, he makes ridiculous faces like I've just crammed a giant lemon in his mouth but that usually goes away by the 3rd or 4th bite. He takes 2-3 days usually to finish a jar, at least he's a cheap baby. He's also into standing up, the ottoman works the best right now. I pile some toys on there and then sit back and watch. How nice not to have to constantly hold him up. I cannot wait for him to start walking! He has started to roll over now, finally. He's pretty quick with it but then gets made if he hasn't rolled himself near a toy. He hasn't started crawling but does seem to get places spinning around like a turtle on his stomach - at least how I imagine a turtle would spin around - do turtles even spin? Whatever, you get the idea.

Abby is still my once-darling little sleeper, turned newborn again. She has a hard time being alone in her room but is sleeping most of the night. She wakes up anywhere between 4 & 6...ugh. Sometimes it works out that she stays in her room and is quiet, sometimes it's not so fun. And lately Trey has been going down at a reasonable hour but then waking up after an hour or so, it's starting to feel like I'm giving him a very late nap. He's got roughly 4 new teeth coming in so I think that's his problem. Last night he fell asleep at 2:20, I guess that makes it this morning, not last night. So I'm on about 4 hours of sleep. Nice. I think if parenting had a "Time-Out" button, I'd have pushed it mulitple times this week. I'm sure I'll look back one day, many years from now, and remember them for their cuteness, and all the cuddles, and will hopefully have forgotten how I wanted desperately to push that button!

It was really nice yesterday having only one kiddo at home. Poor Trey has been on the back burner since his sister is so needy. Jerry and I were feeling a little guilty about not spending some good quality time with him. He's just so undemanding during the day and plays so well by himself that he doesn't get all the attention I'd like to give him. And he's changing so much right now, becoming more boy, less baby that I'm enjoying him a lot more.

We are also working on potty-training Abby, thanks Tanya for the inspiration to do it. I've been waiting for her to give me a sign that she's ready but she so far all she's wanted is the M&M reward. I've been putting her in pull-ups (they have princesses on them - BIG HIT!) during the day and we've been setting a timer for every 40-45 minutes and when it goes off we hurry to the potty and sit on it, reading some books. No luck so far but Abby seems to not be afraid of the potty like she was before. We only make it until about 3-4 before she's had enough for the day. Fine with me, I am just happy that we are making a little progress. Thinking about how much money I can save having only 1 baby in diapers is keeping me energized about it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Megan, I do love your posts! I here you on the two kid thing... If one sleeps, the other doesn't, or better yet... NEITHER do! I fall back on "they are too young to remember." We are making progress on the potty battle in this house.. hooray! Keep on fighting the good fight, we will prevail!