Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Jumbled-Up Posting!

It has been a busy five days and I have not written about any of it so this will probably ramble on in no order...read at your own risk!
So I started my second week of work today. It's kinda ridiculous to call them "weeks" of work...it's only 2 days for heaven's sake. But anyway, Jerry was once again on baby duty and from what he said it wasn't awful. Trey and I had a nice 1 1/2 hours together early this morning (like 4 am early) so he didn't get up until 9. Abby had pancakes for breakfast, Trey had.....nothing. That's right, no food for him. The kid hates his bottle. The good news is that he didn't seem to terribly upset about not eating. Jerry put him in his swing around 10 and he fell right to sleep and woke up when I pulled in the driveway at noon. Trey was VERY happy to see his mama...and my boobs were very happy to see him! I filled him up, changed him, played with him and he is now back asleep. I love that my children sleep so much. We had a family picnic on Sunday and it started right at Abby's naptime so she was pretty cranky the whole time. She spent the whole picnic playing on the slides at the playground and fell asleep as soon as we left. She was still asleep when we got home so we put her in her bed. I went up at 6 to check on her and ended up putting her jammies on and she went right back to sleep. She was so worn out that she slept all night. That was just over 15 hours of sleep. She was only up for 3 hours before she went back down for a 3 hour nap. A few more hours awake and she was down for the night. In fact, both kids were asleep before 8 last night! WOOO-HOOO!! I think she may be having a growing spell but who's complaining...not me that's for sure!

Abby also got to spend the night at my parents' house this weekend. I took the kids up Saturday (Jerry was working a 24-hour shift) and stayed for awhile. Matt and Sophia were up as well so it was a fun visit. It worked out that Abby was okay with staying while I took Trey home. She slept in a bed in my old room. She put up a fuss about going to bed but then slept all night. She is such a big girl. She loves going to play at Grammy's house because there are 5 million necklaces to play with...her very favorite things! She puts them on, takes them off, puts them on...etc. Over and over she does this...always in a certain order...she's a very interesting little person. She is methodical, and a little OCD (hmmmm, wonder where she gets that from?!) and so fun to watch.

Abby and I made cookies on Thursday night. She loves to help in the kitchen and does a pretty good job of following my directions. She thought it was pretty great that I let her wear an apron and thought it was even better that she got to eat some dough. I was putting the dough on a cookie sheet and looked over and her entire mouth was FULL of dough...and she was putting her spoon in for more!
And Trey also figured out how to raspberry so now he spends all his time making that noise. It's so fun because at least he does something now!!!

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