Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Say What?!

Some days I'd really like to get inside Abby's mind to see what's really going on in there. The following 3 things were said during a 15 minute car ride yesterday.

A: Mom, can I rest my tummy? My tummy is really tired it needs to rest. Can I rest it please?
M: Sure, rest your tummy
A: Okay, it is tired of singing and needs a rest.

A; Mom, lions go potty you know.
M: Yes honey, everyone goes potty.
A: Yeah, but lions go potty Mom!
M: I know, all the animals go potty.
* Song from Madagascar playing in the car and the line "We like to party party" is sung*
M: *laughing inside!* No Abby, they're saying "we like to party party"
A: No they're not!!!!
M: You're right, lions do go potty.

A: I love the Easter Bunny. Next time I'm going to get up early and go see the Easter Bunny.
M: You know he only comes at night when you're asleep right? Just like Santa.
A: I know, but I'll wake up and go catch him. I run real fast you know!

Oh, the mind of a 3 1/2 year old!


The Neyens Family said...

LOL...sooo funny!! I like to POTTY POTTY! LOL

Unknown said...

They grow up so fast :(