Thursday, April 9, 2009

good gravy!

I went to see the ENT today and yes, I do indeed have a perforated ear drum. I also have some "very interesting colored pus" in my sinus (his words exactly!), and sinusitis on my right side. I have no sinus pain or pressure so that at least is a small bonus. I have to use eardrops for the next two weeks and guess can't breastfeed while taking them. Great. I have been trying to slowly wean Trey for the past week or so, cutting out one feeding at a time. He was not happy about that so I can only imagine how pleased he's going to be about going col-turkey! I must say that I am definitely not looking forward to it. His first birthday is only 5 weeks away and I was planning on being done by then anyway but it was going to be a gradual shift. Can't wait to see how it goes :(


Marlea said...

Oh boy! my tummy is still churning from reading the first post about your ear! How horrible!
As for going cold turkey....thats what i did and it hurts like hell for about a week. I just kept a full kitchen towel stuffed in my shirt the entire time.
As for Trey, he will survive. Just dont hold him like you would if your going to nurse, keep him distracted from even thinking about it.
Good luck!!!

Tonya Doman said...

Good luck Megan. Maybe wait till Jerry gets home for some back-up!! I feel for you, its never an easy process.
Sorry to hear about your ear too--surgery needed?

Amanda DeHoog said...

My goodness . . . when it rains, it pours! Hope you feel better soon and that things go as smoothe as they can with the weaning. I am thinking I'll wean Grace at a year and I said the "weaning" word out loud and I think she heard me because she bit me the next time she nursed . . . I'm sure it won't be an easy road. Keep us updated . . . this Mom wants to know what to expect!