Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bye Bye Powie

Abby has said good-bye to her powies (pacifiers) and boy do we all miss them! I'm a mean mom and told her that she's a big girl now and doesn't need them anymore, Abby had a different idea. She's been having some trouble staying quiet in the morning and by morning I mean like 5 am so I thought what the hey, since she's not sleeping anyway I might as well throw them out. So yesterday afternoon I listened to 90 minutes of toe-curling screaming, with some "I need mommy"s and "I want my powies!"thrown in along with one or two "just one more hug!"s in the mix as well. I didn't let her flounder in total isolation, I did go up and check on her to reassure her that even though I wanted to cut my own ears off that I still loved her. Finally she'd cried so much that she fell asleep. Whew! Last night we gave it another go, this time waiting until she was almost asleep on her feet before putting her in bed. I made Jerry put her to sleep since she doesn't seem as needy with him. I thought we were golden for the night...and then 4 am came around and it was up and down for Jerry and I until it was time for me to go to work at which point I let her stay in our bed. She wiggled in there a bunch and didn't sleep a wink but I wasn't at home so whatever. :) I must say, I have way more will power during the day than I do in the dark of night. Today she went down soooooo easy, I guess being up since 4 will do that to you! Hopefully by the end of the week we'll be back to a routine around here.

Minus, the sleep issues she's been very funny lately. It started snowing again the other day after a day of no snow and she told Jerry "Oh, thank you Daddy, you fixed it!" Then she told the blow-up snowman that they weren't sad anymore (I guess they're sad when not blown up?) and she thinks every morning is Christmas morning. How do you explain to a 2 year old that it won't come again until next year? And her new answer for everything is "I don't know." Ask her what she had for breakfast..."I don't know", what she's wearing..."I don't know." Better than Why? Why? Why? I'm not looking forward to that day.


Marlea said...

Oh you are such a mean mom! Ha ha, nice work just going for it. It is harder to let them cry it out when they are 2 and can talk isnt it? They have much more will power too.
That is a hard habit to break, so good job mommy!

Anonymous said...

You didn't like giving up your powie either.......but since you only had one, it was one-sixth the trauma compared to Abby's unhappiness, I guess. You actually threw yours in the garbage on a whim.......and totally regretted it that night......but you didn't have a major meltdown. I lucked out I guess. As with all transitions, though........hard for a while and then it's over and on to the next thing! Kisses for Abby and pats on the back for you and Jerry. Love, Grammy Momma Bear

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love reading your blogs...they make me laugh! I think maybe just knowing that there is someone else as miserable as me sometimes makes life more bearable! ~Kristen