Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"Is there something on my face?"

Squeaky wheel gets the grease in this house and that sure isn't Trey. He plays second fiddle to his much louder sister and therefore doesn't get quite the attention on here that he deserves so I'm devoting a post solely to him...with pictures of just him. Trey is the sweetest "little" boy on the planet. He smiles all day long and only is fussy when he's really hungry, has a full diaper or is over-tired, three things I try and avoid. He sleeps well at night, hates food, loves his mama (if you know what I mean) and his toys. He's become super interested in the animals and I'm sure he'll be chasing them in no time. I think he may skip crawling and go straight to walking. He has ZERO interest in trying to roll over and he prefers sitting up with his toys or standing. He loves the exersaucer and is so wild in it I think it might break one day. There will be no more babies after him so he will always get to be my baby...lucky me!

his favorite sippy cup...he was a little embarrassed about me taking pictures of him with a pink and purple cup, totally unmanly, so I got some b&w's too

loves his biter biscuits...putting those two teeth to good use


Unknown said...

Go Trey! We know the feeling.. poor Weston takes the back seat to Wayne's antics too. Oh well, we keep saying someday payback will come. Hang in there Trey, yours will come too!

Marlea said...

He sounds just like my boy. He would not eat until he was about 10 months old. Doc said ok he looks healthy, so he was on a liquid diet for a long time! He sure is a doll! I love his whispy mohawk!

Anonymous said...

I can verify all your comments, Meg. He's a sweetheart and so easy to take care of. You forgot to mention his ONE dimple to go along with his natural mohawk......VERY CUTE!! Even though he doesn't much like any food except you, we manage to bumble along until you get home! Grammy/Momma Bear