Wednesday, July 23, 2008

random thoughts

I've decided that cradle cap is gross. Not just wet-worm-on-the-ground gross but disgusting gross. My poor little boy has terrible cradle cap over the whole top of his head. It creeps down his forehead and around his ears and even his eyebrows have not been spared. Lotion, oil, baths, scrubbing, scraping, airing out...nothing cures it. I still think he's adorable, I just hope it goes away soon.

I pick my battles with Abby. Today she is wearing her "sheepy" jammies again. She LOVES them. They are winter jammies but it was cool enough for her to wear them last night. It's 4 pm and she's still in them. I made her a deal...wear the jams and get pigtails (I love them dearly!) or no pigtails and put clothes on. At least the pigtails are cute.

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