Friday, February 13, 2009

Feeling the Love

I love you so much that I want to see you at all hours of the night. And going potty is so much fun that I want to do it over, and over, and over. Thanks for getting up with me 9 times last night so I could go potty and giggle over my endless farts with you. Maybe some day I'll be extra good and let you sleep at least 4 hours in a row...maybe. But for now, you are my best friend (well, Daddy is too, but not baby Trey, he's too little to be my best friend) and I like hanging out with you, especially at night.

I don't love you quite as much, since I only made you get up once last night. But I am kind of a big boy now so hangin' with my mom isn't as cool anymore. Wait, you're still my main source of food so I guess I still have to hang out with you a lot. Later.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mom,
Have you heard those to midgets talking...they are in kahoots (sp?). I heard them talking the other day about taking turns at night hanging out with you. They have decided that your much easier to handle during the day when you are exhausted! The little chubby one was saying that he's tired of getting up with you so much at night so the little pigtail girl was saying she'd take over for a while. Just thought I'd let you know what they are up I your favorite again??? Love your faithful dog, Rusty


Megan said...

That's funny Kristen. I needed a laugh!

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet. Honestly I know that you probably didn't enjoy being up all night with them. But it made for a good post and really that almost made me cry. Remember, soon they won't need you and your body won't supply them the comfort it does now.

Take care and keep up the good work.