Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The kiddos were playing outside with Grammy when I got home today. It was pretty nice out and my kids love being outdoors, plus I think someone was trying to make sure they were good and worn out so that they would take a nap...and let me have a break!

Little fashionista
He is just too sweet for words!
"Okay Trey, I'll stand here and watch you while you mow." Wonder where she's heard something like that before? She is such a little mommy!
Abby got her princess dolls taken away during naptime yesterday and this is what she told me later. "Mom, I am the mommy to my dollys and my Izzle (her cat) right? So you can't take them away okay!" I corrected her and said that while yes, she is their mommy I am HER mommy and can take away whatever I want. Boy is she looking forward to the day when she is a grown-up and can "drive a car and make decisions!"

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