Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lovely Morning

I finally got my one nice morning that I have been patiently waiting for!! We've been working hard with Abby to get her to stay in her room in the mornings until Jerry gets in the shower...otherwise she is in and out of our room, up and down the stairs, and opening and shutting her door from 5:30 on. Today she finally got the idea and only called for me twice to help her go potty. She played and watched cartoons from 5:30-7:30 and then got to go downstairs with a freshly showered Daddy. Trey, bless his heart, is still asleep. He is standing alone and walking much more now and I think he is wearing himself out a lot more at night. Plus we got some black-out shades for the kids' rooms, maybe the combo is magical! I've been too lazy to upload the video of him walking on here, too many steps to do that and too nice outside to be in here figuring it out. Maybe one of these days I'll get to it.


Amanda DeHoog said...

I know what you mean . . . my blogging (and blog-surfing) has been lacking because it's too nice to be inside! Looks like we'll all be back inside with our computers next week . . .

Anonymous said...

Good for you!! We've been playing outside so much that the boys have been sleeping in until 7:30 or 8am...which is so unusual! However, as I write this it's not the case this morning...but good for you and getting that time!! Kristen

Marlea said...

YAY for nice mornings! They really dictate how your day will play out!
It is raining here....