Friday, November 14, 2008

oh Boy!

It was another long night of trying to get Mr. Trey to sleep again. It only took a few minutes to get him to sleep but transferring him to the crib wasn't working...he woke up pissy every time. At 1:00 or so he needed a diaper change and like usual it happened in mostly darkness. I took off his diaper, threw it away, grabbed a new one and heard him coughing/choking. I thought it was phlegm (as has been the case for a week) but when I went to put his new diaper on his belly was all wet and I realized that he wasn't coughing on phlegm....HE PEED IN HIS MOUTH!!! It doesn't get more boy than that. So being the awesome mom that I am at that hour, I wiped him off with a washcloth and zipped his jammies back up and put him back to bed. He hasn't peed while getting changed since he was 2 weeks old so I guess it was time...but still gross.

1 comment:

Amanda DeHoog said...

That gave me a belly laugh! Nothing like pee in your baby's mouth or poop on your foot to remind you of how glamorous motherhood can be!