Monday, January 11, 2010

Baking with Mom

I asked Trey the other day if he wanted to help me bake some cookies. He ran right into the kitchen yelling "Cookie! Cookie!" I started getting the bowls and utensils ready and on his own he went to the bib drawer (where Abby's apron also is) and found his big bib, took it out and handed it to me. I put it on him and then sat him on the counter. He was so excited, I wish I had a videotape! We got down to business and he was an excellent helper.

He is growing up so fast now. He's starting to put words together to make little sentences. He's really into wanting people to watch him. I hear "Momma, watch" about 50 times a day. He has started calling Gramma "Gum" which is so cute! He loves his baths, his books, his animals, and most of all his bat and ball. He is crazy coordinated. Can throw a ball a long ways (and quite hard), swings accurately with little and big bats and can kick a soccer ball well. He is sure making daddy proud!! He's still going to sleep well, not interested in a bed yet but I'm in no rush since we aren't going to need the crib for anyone else. He's such a joy!!

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