Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Would you like some bread with that butter?

Abby is into helping, especially helping in the kitchen. She is always asking to assist me in making whatever it is I'm making. One of her favorite things to do is to put butter on her toast in the mornings. Since I'm velcroed to a minimum of one kid at all times I generally don't have the patience to let her do it often. She likes to tell me that Grammy lets her do it. And she likes to tell Grammy that Mommy NEVER lets her do it. I was making breakfast for dinner the other night and Jerry was home and keeping Trey occupied so I let Abby put butter on all the toast. Whoa, she wouldn't have been more excited if I'd told her it was Christmas and all Santa brought was candy. So there she was buttering her little heart out, taking bites along the way and 15 minutes later we had 6 slices of super buttery delicious toast courtesy of my little baby big girl Abby.

She was so proud!

This is Rusty's favorite spot to sit during meals, especially if said meal involves buttery toast.

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